Sunday, January 14, 2007

Birds in the Morning

This morning I was smoking a cigarette on my front porch and I noticed that some birds were sticking around waiting for me to put out some bird seeds on my walkway in the front yard. After I did hundreds of sparrows came out of nowhere. It was funny watching them, first one would go down and start to eat, then five, then 15, then 50, then hundreds, and suddenly they would scare themselves and fly off back into the nearby neighbors bush and they would repeat, it's halarious and soothing simultaneously. For some reason listening to the flapping of their wings as they took off sounds nice to the ears for me. It's amazing how many started to come by. Trees, power lines, the ground, and whatever else the sparrows could find to sit on were covered with them. All I could hear was the sounds of chirping coming from every direction. I would occasionally scare them on purpose just to see how many would fly off but usually they would scare themselves off first. But they just kept on coming back for more food and devour the food in minutes. Then I would have to go inside and get some more seeds after they ate all the food so I could watch them and scare them off again.'s fun and something to do if bored and keeps my mind off troubles......... :)

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