Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Smokingly Calm

Soothe my calmed nerves,
Cool and crisp on my tounge.
I blew as you turned into curves,
Felt slighty out of my lungs.

I shape you into rings,
While you danced with the wind.
A flying haze without wings,
Drifting higher as you descend.

I know you hurt my body,
But I'm under your spell.
Never yet have you bothered me,
Since I love your feeling and your smell.

While I breathe deeper,
You consumed yourself more.
Glowing brighter little red amber,
Flicking ash on the ground floor.

Narrowing yourself into a white sliver,
Nothings left but the faded orange filter.
Everything that was you is now grey,
So I put you with the others in the ashtray.


singleton said...'re knew I would love it...
And how true,
a love story
to the best
the very very worst
the very thing
we know
will leave us with
nothing in the end.....

So glad to catch you waving out the window!

mystic rose said...

Im so allergic to smoke, even the pic's constrciting my throat!

but for all that it's worth, that poem is very well written and expressed! now I know why people like to smoke! :P

skinnylittleblonde said... a smoker, I love this poem for its' literal sense & as one who has been spell-bound, I love its' figurative value.
You write really well!

Acquaintance said...

Singleton: I'm glad you loved it. :D

So true, smoking is always a love story to the very best but yet it's the very worst for health and leave us with nothing in the end.

I'm glad you stopped by to catch me waving out the window!

Mystic: Drink some water, it'll help, lol :)

Thanks, and now you know why I like to smoke. :D

SLB: Thanks, the spell of cigarettes is very strong and never let's go once attached, I understand. :)

Yeah the figurative value was the main thing I was getting at about smoking, with this poem. :D

Anonymous said...

haha kickass ! still smoking the kools i see ;) I'm quitting slowly.. down to one every other day but shh i keep that hidden people wanted me to quit cold turkey and haha well yeah um FUCK NO .. was all my brain and body were saying.

Acquaintance said...

Hey Heather! :)

Thanks :D , Of course I'm still smoking them. :P

I've been thinking about the same thing, quitting, I don't want to but I also am starting to realize that I need to and shouldn't have started in the first place, thanks a lot to you, I kid, lol. But I actually still smoke at least a pack a day sometimes a little less or more, idk what to say about it other than, fuckin'ay. Idk I quit I quit, while at the same time I don't care to quit yet. LOL :P I have also realized it's not affecting my athletic abilities whatsoever, it's weird, don't ask. But I can bike ride all day, smoke half a pack, drink soda after soda, and still have no problems. Idk I've always had a good and well formed body so it really hasn't taken its toll on me yet but it will over time but I plan on truly quitting after college.

But good lord! Down to one cig every other day, I can't believe that! That is really hard to believe, cus when you were here you were smokin a little less than a pack a day.

It's strange knowing you're not smoking as much cus all my memories of you are about us smoking, rofl. :P If you do happen to completely quit stay off them and try not to smoke them when you happen to see me again cus I'll end up being a bad influence with my one pack a day habit. lol :P

Don't worry I won't tell anyone about you secretly smoking a cig or two here and there. I understand how the cravings curve your thoughts to leading you into puffing one. lol :)

Take care. :D

btw how much do cigarettes cost in Europe?