Monday, September 17, 2007


Everything has changed, time has changed, things have changed, people have changed, I have changed but I have not and that's what matters to me. I don't ever want to change even if I do change, who I am is great and I understand life like none other, I'll still always be me even if things, people, and times change. . . . .

sometimes, to me, change isn't even there, nothing feels like anything has changed whatsoever but in the long run of it it has. I do love change but when it's for the better and not the worse.

Oh silly life I'll just have to figure you out one day. :P

1 comment:

singleton said...

One of my favorite quotes is "The only thing that stays the same, is change itself".....I don't know who said it, but it's so true. Change comes as naturally as the rain.....
It's what we do with it, that counts.
Just stay true to yourself as you go.....
Wishing you peace......