Friday, September 7, 2007

Just look up, you'll see something out of the blue. :)

Water vapor spreading to further distances I cannot go to.

I want to stop looking but I can't they're too beautiful.

Have you ever just felt like one of these lines of clouds?

Each one separated from each other but still side by side.

Sooner or later they will collide and be in a beautiful tangled up mess.

You can learn a lot from clouds. Just look up and watch them floating along while thinking about what's to come for these clouds, are they going to expand into larger clouds or disappear? Sadly the clouds disappeared, while further clouds came into play with their massive density and shaded out the sunlight. It made me think how life works in it's strange mysterious ways like that, at one time in your life you're changing, while another change in life is coming closer til it finally reaches it's destination and you're left confused. Sometimes even exhausted. :p


singleton said...

What a beautiful and poignant post, Mavin. I cloud watch often, reading words from the storybook unfolding in the sky....

mystic rose said...

a beautiful post, mavin, soothing! I liked these lines:

"Each one separated from each other but still side by side.

Sooner or later they will collide and be in a beautiful tangled up mess..."

Anonymous said...

Good words.